For those of you who are familiar with my music tastes, I've been into trance and not much else for the past few years. Trance is just what it sounds like - designed to put you into a trance, that is, if you learn to enjoy the music first. I enjoy it on long road trips when there is not much to look at, as it helps the time to pass.
When I first got here I started totally bummin' that I didn't have my records, then I remembered a website, I recommend everyone check it out. Its great to turn on if you spend lots of time at the computer and you want some music. As well as trance, they have a great selection of electronic music and many popular-type radio stations, like classical, hip-hop, 70s 80s and the like.
So I turned that on and would listen to it while I was doing things around the apartment or playing my computer game. Then I would become bored with it at times, so I tried other stations. One I keep coming back to is the Drum n' Bass channel (I thank my brother Joe for this influence). For a long time I didn't really care for it, but now, since I'm in a different country with very different music standards, its a nice change. Sure, I don't always like the music, but its a broadening of my musical pallette.
As an aside, I'm curious how many people actually visit this website. I know many family members do, but what about anyone else out there, besides advertisers? If you visit this site on a semi-regular basis, please post a comment to this entry, even if you only say "I visit here sometimes". And make sure to include your name, not Anonymous.