Monday, November 14, 2005

Belief dot net

Earlier this week I visited a website called, which I stumbled onto some time ago. I had been talking to a Korean friend about God and Jesus (because I thought it would be funny, but it quickly turned serious), and I somehow ended up at this site again. Fate I guess.

One of the cool things about this site is that you can take a quiz to see what your true religious beliefs are and which religion your beliefs emulate. I'd taken the quiz before, a few times, and the results were mixed, usually I got Unitarian Universalist with a 80% accuracy rate. After my talk with my friend, the next day I was totally relaxed and after finding the site again, decided to take the quiz again.

Before when I tool the quiz my state of mind was a bit of confusion, so my answers were maybe not totally representative of what I believe. This time I was at peace, so to speak, and the results were interesting. I scored 100% accuracy for a religion... Christian Science!

Now, I'm not gonna run off and join the church, because that is not wise. Also there is no church in Korea. But it has caused me to investigate it more. And I've also been thinking that it is better to associate with a like-minded group of people, especially in a spiritual sense - to help keep things in perspective. Anyway, they have a magazine and many books and a website. The founder was Mary Baker Eddy, back in the mid 1800s, for those of you who are so inclined to look it up, and the website is But I recommend to anyone to visit the site and take the quiz. Its interesting, but make sure your state of mind is pure and open, for more accuracy.

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