I heard my blog wasn't working; I think, if I don't post for over a month, maybe it just stops? Anyway, I'm mostly settled into my new place. I only have outdoor pics this time, but its much better than my first place. I live on the 8th floor. Its on a busy street, but the windows keep it very quiet, which is nice. And I can see the sky! Wow, what a difference! So now I have a plant sitting on my window sill and its growing well. These things make me happy: sunlight and plants.
So I did purchase a bike, but its turned out to be a lemon, can barely get above 50km/h, or about 30mph. It started out better, but has gone downhill quickly. After taking it to a mechanic whom a friend recommended, apparently 3rd gear just doesn't work, and there is a problem with the head valve. Lesson learned, and not too expensive; I paid about $500. So these same mechanics helped me find a better bike, same model. I took it for a test drive; like night and day. The new bike is quiet and much faster, and higher top end. So probably next month I'll get that one, and swap parts from the old one, for the best of both bikes. I'll have a pic of the better bike later.
Its been a slow month workwise, filling in for a friend a few jobs. But already have teaching stuff lined up for next month, i.e. next week. Thanks family for worrying about me, I love you too! Threw in a few pics of Busan, from the north side. Yesterday a friend and I took a cable car up to the mountaintop, and a picture of Gwangan bridge. Enjoy!