Thursday, January 12, 2006

Lazy Me...

Yea, its been a while since I posted, but not much new here. Holidays came and went without much hoopla. I got really sick the day after Christmas, eating bad food. This was the first such incident in Korea, and it was my own fault for eating leftovers that had been sitting longer than 2 days. Generally the food here in Korean is healthy, albeit weird to the western pallette. So I am skinny now. I'm kind of afraid to go back to the states and put on a belly again :-(

I was at a Korean bar on New Years Eve. When the clock struck 12, nothing happened lol! I had to look at my watch to realize it was New Years. So I started whistling and yelling, no one seemed to care, like it never happened. When I was yelling, koreans knew why, but no big deal, because they celebrate the lunar new year.

In an effort to combat this laziness, I bought a classical guitar yesterday from a friend. That should be some cheap fun, creative activity. I also ordered Pimsleur Korean, in hopes of helping my conversational skills. If it works well, I may buy more of the same after that, for Chinese, Japanese, whatever. Apparently Japanese and Korean have the same grammar structure, so its easy for Koreans to learn Japanese.

I'll try to keep up with posting for those of you who faithfully check this site. Speaking of faith, remember how I was talking about Christian Science? Well, I've done nothing with that, I'm still without religion, and thats ok.


Anonymous said...

That (bad food) explains it... not laziness at all. I'm surprised "the nose" didn't do it's job. The different food smells there probably take some time to sort out. You have any snow? How about Temp, cold or comfortable? You should use your guitar aquisition as an opportunity to practice preforming for small groups, don't keep your talents to yourself. You are better than you think. Keep the news coming, it's all NEW to us.

Anonymous said...

I've been keeping up with reading this site every few weeks when I get a minute. All very interesting stuff. I checked out that check your religion site and it said that I was best matched to Christian Science. Then today I'm looking through news articles and I click on one from the Cristian Science Monitor. I read most of their articles and it was pretty good. I think the key to it was that it was completly a-religous. So, how long you gonna be screwing around in Korea for? I just graduated last Spring and I'm enjoying my first job. Trying to get some money in the bank so I can quit my job and start driving and flying around for a while. Good to hear that you picked up a guitar again - I really hold you in high esteem for your skillz on the six string. It would be interesting to hear your interpritation on scratching sometime. I'm not sure how I would take to that - possibly well, possibly not so well. I'm working 3rd Shift tonight so it's pretty quiet here. Just slammin' the coffee and the tunes. I recently subscribed to Sirius satelite radio and they have sweet comecial free radio that you can listen to anywhere. I'm streaming it right now! Anyways, I'm very glad that we haven't lost all forms of connection. You are a person that I think of often and I'm glad to still be able to get a hold of. Well, drop me a line anytime or just keep on blogging - it's always an entertaining read.

Peace & Love

Jon said...

Thanks Leighton, I love you too. BTW, what is your current email that u use most often? Email me at jopschul at yahoo. In fact, anyone can if they want, I always enjoy a well-thought out email with a wholesome cup of coffee.