Well, the holiday came and went here in Busan, not much to talk about. I did go out to eat with some friends at a place called Seamen's club. Its basically a diner type place, with Koreans working there who generally speak good English. It looks like a stuffy '50s restaurant, and the food was mediocre, but it was nice to eat turkey, and see some familiar faces.
Also I included some pics from a trip to Japan. Compared to Korea, Japan is much cleaner, and more expensive. People dress nicer and are actually smaller than Koreans. I wasn't in a big city (Fukuoka, approx. 1.5 million ppl) but it was a nice city. I actually had to go 3 times, 2 more than expected. Why so many times, and why go there? I had to go for my work visa, so I don't get deported or get caught working illegally. Anyway, I basically didn't realize all of what I had to do to make things work efficiently. First time there I missed my boat back by like 10 minutes, because a taxt dropped me off at the wrong ferry terminal (I take the boat there: 3 hrs, $90) Second time I didn't make it to the Korean consulate on time, so I had to stay the night anyway, and they make you wait a day for the visa. Couple years ago it used to be you could get it done in one day. All it is is fill out a form, have a small picture. Boring stuff. So, my second trip I couldn't find a hotel room, because there was some kind of conference in town. So I went to over 20 hotels trying to find a room, walked the streets all night and tried to take a nap on a cold concrete bench. Not the best night, but it could've been worse.
Third time was the trick! Got the paperwork done, went out to a few bars, stayed in a nice hotel (in the pics) and did everything on time. And I dont plan on going back anytime soon! But I think I'll try to plan a trip next spring to another country around here, since I'm close. And my friend John pushes me to do these things because its a good experience. So we'll see how that pans out. Enjoy the holiday shopping!!
Great pictures. Sorry to hear about Japan and sleeping on a bench! What a bummer!! Must be hard to get around when you don't speak the languages and probably can't read the languages either. How is that coming??
I never been..
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