Monday, March 05, 2007

Overdue blog

Yes, thanks to Jason to remind me I'm overdue to post a blog, so here it is! I was waiting for a while to get my camera back from the repair shop; got it back and posted some pics here for ya. You can see both the motorbikes I have right now. The red and black is technically my 3rd bike, cause the first one was a lemon. The charcoal Magma was my 2nd bike, which I am currently leasing to my friend for 2 months, until he leaves. At that point I'll sell one of these bikes. I enjoy the increased power and top speed of the red and black bike (Kawasaki Vulcan 500) but its a bit older and Japanese, so costs more to fix. Also, my Magma is much lighter and fuel efficient, so we'll see what kind of offers pop up.

Also, this week I'm taking my first vacation from Korea; I'm going to Beijing for 8 days! Should be a good adventure, new culture. As you know most of the non-perishables we use come from China, so I will be doing some shopping for clothes that fit me :-) Also negotiating seems to be integral to the shopping process in China, so I hope to learn more about that, and also sharpen my negotiating skills in general. If time permits maybe I'll make it to the Forbidden City and The Great Wall. And of course I'll have my camera along, so I'll try to remember to take some interesting pictures and post them when I get back!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Jon, the bikes look great. What are the buildings? Have fun in Beijing. Should be interesting.

Jo Lene said...

Send me a postcard!

Anonymous said...

You look good on a bike! Have a wonderful vacation, Jon and stay safe. I imagine that shopping there will be a bit like the shopping do in Mexico. Initial price is rarely the amount you (the consumer) ends up paying. Have fun!
Love ya,
Auntie LO LO and AL