Well obviously this post is a month overdue, but anyway here's some pics of the cherry blossoms in Busan near my home. They are lined up all along the main thoroughfare from the center of the city to my area, which is north of the center of Busan. Also running along the subway line, which travels part of its length above the streets, is a river/drainage system below street level. I sometimes go walking or jogging along this path. You can see in one of the pics there is some construction; it seems they are narrowing the river but I haven't found out why. One unfortunate part of the design is that it can smell bad on windless days, or after periods of no rain. Then when it does rain, the sewage all gets washed down. I got caught in a rainstorm once and ended up running through sewage being washed down :-(
Also I have a picture of my building. Its the tallest building around, but my view is from the fourth floor, in the dark brown part of the building. I've included a view from my window, what I get to see everyday. The blossoms are gone, replaced with full green trees. Unfortunately my windows will never be fully clean; the double window design prohibits the self-initiative to secure a clear view. Another post coming soon... I promise!
Nice pic's of the surroundings. How about one of you or your bike or.....whatever. Oh, when are ya coming to visit?
Great pictures. Helps to know how you're living over there and what kinds of things you see every day. The US will probably look strange to you when you finally get back here. When is that again???
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