Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Miracle of Children

I came in to work today, just kind of sitting there. For whatever reason I was feeling down, and I didn't really feel like figuring out why I felt that way. So I just said a quick little prayer to God asking for him to help cheer me up a bit, so I could have a good day (cause being depressed sucks). But I didn't totally feel better right away.

Then I went into class, and thats when the miracle happened. I just went along like any normal day (I've figured out the routine after a week of teaching) but the kids just started laughing and goofing around. Instead of trying to calm them down or getting mad, it infected me. And from that point on I was in a good mood. One of my coworkers invited me to her family's house for dinner this weekend, and said she has a brother my age who likes alcohol. What's that supposed to mean??!!

By the end of the day there was a troublemaker, Gary. This kid has way too much energy for the whole class, and I was getting frustrated. But eventually we started a game which turned into homework - Bingo. 5x5, fill the squares with objects in the room. This was maybe too advanced for them, but it kept them quiet. All in all a good day.

So were my prayers answered? I believe they were. I feel that we see what we believe. And I'm only just starting to believe in the power of faith. But don't try to get me to go to church!

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