Wednesday, August 23, 2006


No pics this time, sorry. Just want to catch you guys up on some news. My current contract ends next week, at which time I will move into my new apartment! Its much nicer than my current one, I think. Its a bit closer to the beach as well, but pretty far from where I am now. I'll show pics later. Also I will stay at my current hagwon another week to help out until the next teacher comes, and since my contract expires my pay scale will change as well (go up). I have a morning kindergarten job lined up for at least a month, starting the first week of September. My visa was extended until Sept 26, so I have some time to find another hagwon which will sponsor my visa. I will have to make a visa run, destination unknown thus far. Also looking to get a motorcycle for more convenient transport. And for fun, I entered a fantasy football league with 9 other guys here. I'm not big on football these days, but this will help me get back into it, and keep up on the Lions (even though they usually let us all down). I may also set up a Kodak acct online, where I can post a bunch of pictures, but you can't leave comments. If I do I'll leave an http address on this site. Thats all for now, more to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, we are close to 4 wks since yur last post. Things coming together on a new hagwon & Visa renewal? Is the motorcycle gig still a reality? Fall is reminding us winter is near in WI. Let us kno how it is with you. Pics not necessary.