Tuesday, September 06, 2005


My teaching was cancelled today due to the nearby threat of Typhoon Nabi in Japan. For the last few days the winds have been howling, and they wake me up at night,pushing against my windows. My A/C is making a terribly annoying sound. The drainage line that runs outside, the water is popping like bubbles as the air tries to blow back in. I know we're pretty safe here in Busan, Japan already has 3 dead.

However, it seems to me that Japan will not see the kind of damage that has been witnessed in the US. On CNNI today, they are asking the question, "Does this natural disaster change the way you see the US?" Some say no, some say it is proof that the US is not prepared for such events. I tend to agree with the latter. I think Japan will be ok for the most part because they are used to this weather. US doesn't really respond to catastrophe until it is too late, then they are strong. And while I agree that Bush and the people have every intention of responding to the best of their abilities, at the same time we kind of look like less of a country than we are portrayed as.

So are the gas prices ridiculous yet? Is the cost of everything going up?


Anonymous said...

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Jon said...

Thanks for the advertisement :-( Thats not what this site is for.

Anonymous said...

Gas was at $3.49 at some places I saw, but then Granholm talked to the president of Mrarathon Oil and made an agreement that he would keep prices at $2.99. So all Marathons and Speedways were at $2.99 and it was insanity at work for a day. Then everyone else followed suit. Now the lowest is about $2.96. I'm just glad I ride the bus everywhere for free.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon, Cool site, I dig. Gas was ridiculous down south. In Atlanta it was almost 6 bucks. We ran out of gas right after the hurricane at most areas in the south, but now it it still around $3.09. You are a very good writer. Good luck in Japan!!

Jon said...

Dummy, I'm in Korea!