Saturday, October 29, 2005


Its the weirdest thing. Since I got here, I've become very concerned with my appearance. It seems to me that Koreans dress very well. They have great style. Then I think about my wardrobe and I want to revamp it. I've already made a few purchases - some of which I'm not totally happy with. Part of it was just to buy something, then I don't really wear it. But I've always done that as long as I can remember.

Another thing I read recently from was that within x number of years, one on three Americans will be overweight. That made me look at Koreans more. Even though some of the older people have a few extra pounds, they don't look really fat. In fact most Koreans seem a healthy weight, if not thin. Attribute that to a vegetable-rich diet and very little of the processed foods we love in the states. However some of the younger generation is getting fat.

I think back to college, and remember seeing many girls with that extra weight already accumulating around their waist. Its hard on the eyes; these girls who don't exercise at all and eat the typical American diet and don't seem to care that their rolls are falling out of their shirt, or they show it off like they're proud of it. Really, who's proud of fat rolls?

So, in keeping with this focus on health, I've started going to the gym more often. Its so easy, it takes 5 minutest to walk there. Already that little pudge I had at my belly is pretty much gone, and the diet helps the fat from accumulating. I'm working on putting on muscle that has atrophied for the past year. I want to look good in those tight shirts. Is that vain? :-)

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