Wednesday, October 05, 2005


This weekend was another holiday in Korea, National Foundation Day. I have no idea what that means, I guess when the country was officially founded, but we got Monday off. I went hiking with a fellow teacher, her minister, her family and a few friends. Much of the time everyone around was speaking Korean, so I just tuned it out unless I heard English. That's what I do most of the time now, just ignore people.

I took many pictures, so I will post them in the next few days. That girl I met is leaving for Japan in 3 months, so we'll just be friends. No big deal. I realized I need to really learn Korean to be successful and happy with the locals. Otherwise I have little to communicate and they struggle trying to speak English.

A funny note: I talk online MSN. If you have, my email is pixpak at hotmail. So I was talking to a Chinese girl and mentioned I have allergies to dust. I asked her if she had any and she said no. I called her a lucky boob. She liked the name, so I told her to change her screen name to lucky boobs and she did. In Chinese boobs means pigs, but I am laughing my ass off! At first she wrote luck boob, but I said No, if you're writing English it has to be lucky boobs. So if u see her name do not explain it to her.

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