I miss my car, being able to drive wherever I want, when I want. I have to rely on public transportation or friends to get me to far places. If I were to leave the city, there's always the KTX express train, but its not the same as my own car.
I miss movies. I saw Guess Who and Red Eye recently, which were okay. But I never got to see The 40-yr old Virgin. That was the one movie I was hoping to see b4 I left. Or The Four Brothers. I hope to find a place that sells pirated copies of movies, or maybe something on the internet.
I miss Jimmy John's and Subway. Living in Kzoo, I could just hop in my car and be there and back in 10 min. Believe it or not, I also miss Shawarma King.
I miss the size of houses in the states. All the homes here are apartments, they don't have houses here. Too many people. Maybe out in the country, but I'm sure they're small as hell.
I miss trees. Where I live I have a view out the window of the next building, about 10ft away. I see trees in the distance, but I have to take the bus to get close to them. I can't see shit from my apartment. The other window looks out at the stairs that lead up to my floor.
I miss the crappy bars in Michigan. At least everyone spoke English and I could get whatever I want with little confusion. And I lived close enough to Firehouse to walk home all drunk, when I didn't want to wait for anyone. Cause I hate waiting for people. And everyone here walks much slower, they slow me down. I'm not even a fast walker!
I miss having a dryer and a dishwasher. Minor inconveniences, but they are luxuries here. I miss my turntables. Even though I never played anywhere live with them I loved them, and I wish I had them here. I go to the dance club and I see those guys up there and I want to be up there, controlling the crowd. I can still dance, but I imagine how my music would sound in that place.
This is part of the experience I guess. You have to let go of so much when you move to a different country, and I'm still figuring out how many new things I have to experience and grow attached to.